Have you ever heard the story of how Hubert Humphrey rescued Richard Nixon from post-Presidential isolation? Weeks before dying of cancer, and while Nixon was being exiled by both parties, Humphrey called Nixon, then in seclusion in San Clemente. He asked Nixon to be an honorary pallbearer at his funeral, believing that it was destructive to deny a former President a place in public life. Humphrey threw a lifeline to a man of weaker character who had defeated him for the Presidency and whose politics he opposed.
Hubert Humphrey was a thoughtful man with the ability to weave basic humanity and patriotism into a seamless political fabric. But his selfless example is lost on Donald Trump, who seems poised to destroy all that Humphrey stood for.
Now we are in peril because Trump cannot emulate, or even comprehend, the politics of Hubert Humphrey; the politics of joy. He has other skills, though: the ability to avoid blame and the ability to blame others, to concoct a storm sewer of lies in real time, to take revenge, to be malicious and cruel.
If we want to save democracy in the US, Donald Trump can never be President again. Here’s what we need to do. We must devote time to get involved, and the sooner the better. We must write postcards, visit neighbors, register voters, use social media, and/or run for office. Our skills and available time must dictate our actions. People who want to help defend democracy can start today by visiting The Union Action Center where they’ll find hundreds of volunteer opportunities that can make a difference.
It’s not an exaggeration to say this is the gravest threat to our democracy since four hundred thousand Americans died defending it in a World War. And now it’s our turn to save it.
Note: You can read a firsthand account of this story in this 1993 article in the Washington Post.
Post submitted by Frank Schneider, the volunteer State Lead for The Union in Minnesota. The Union is an organization of 65,000+ volunteers dedicated to saving our democracy.
Note: The views and opinions expressed by volunteer contributors are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of The Union, a single-issue organization that welcomes all and is dedicated to protecting democracy.
If you’d like to help defend democracy in the US, we invite you to join The Union.